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Diagnostics Tests


LUMP CHECKS: Lumps on pets are more common in older pets, however, younger animals can sometimes get them as well. They are often harmless, but sometimes they are a sign that something may be wrong. Don’t ignore lumps that you find on your pet.It is recommended that you check your pet’s body on a regular basis. This will allow you to become more familiar with what’s normal, and recognise any changes that occur.

BLOOD TEST: Each year at your pet’s annual check-up, we may recommend getting a blood test. Ultimately you have the final decision if you would like the test completed and that choice should be respected. However, it is best to understand the reasons behind the blood test and the information it provides especially during a procedure. Health problems could be developing in your pet without you knowing; if only they could talk to us! Early detection is key to treating all health conditions before they become worse. Blood tests are vital because: As your pet gets older, more health problems tend to develop (similar to humans) Dogs age faster than humans. This means that each annual blood test is as important as ever to discover any underlying health problems. Especially during anaesthetic, it is important that your pet’s haemoglobin, kidney and liver are fully functioning. Very similar to the importance of human blood tests, the information found about your pet’s health is invaluable.

URINANALYSIS: Urinalysis is a routine test that reports the physical and chemical properties of urine. It is used mainly to assess the health of the kidneys and urinary system, but it can also reveal problems in other organ systems, and is important for diagnosing metabolic disease such as diabetes mellitus. It is a valuable test in both healthy and sick animals and should be included in any comprehensive evaluation of a pet's health.

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